Watch 3 Minute Video HERE - It's An Eye Opener!
Who is calling 911 but not getting through? TeleSentient™ solves this issue by harvesting intelligent network data from wireless and landline control networks, and combining it in near real time with other data sources. The result is timely and actionable alerts about callers that dial 911 but can’t get through. TeleSentient™ allows licensees to pinpoint callers in trouble and to alert first responders and regulators more quickly. By combining this technology with other vendors and technologies, affected callers can be displayed on a weather radar map, traffic map, or simply in a text alert to a 911 center with information on who and where they are. TeleSentient™ also allows service providers to alert 911 centers on a real-time basis and make detailed and timely reports to the FCC as required by law. (See New FCC Requirements )