Board Member

Philip N. Diehl

Philip Diehl is president of the U. S. Money Reserve, an Austin Texas based retailer of precious metals. He is the 35th director of the United States Mint (1994 - 2000) and considered one of the most impactful directors in the Mint's 230 year history. 

In that role, Philip created the 50 States Quarters program and increased the Mint's annual profits from $700 million to $2.6 billion. He also served as chief of staff and White House liaison for U.S. Treasury Secretary Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., and majority staff director of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. 

He has held executive positions in the telecom and public relations industries, and following the AT&T divestiture, led the restructuring of telecom regulation at the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

Mr. Diehl's work has been the focus of feature stories in the New York Times, The Washington Post and Fast Company. He has been published in the Financial Times (Asia Edition), Institutional Investor, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and The American Conservative. He remains a primary source in news analyses related to the federal government debt ceiling and the trillion dollar coin .

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